Seeds of Learning®
Seeds of Learning®
Tera Sumpter

The next Seeds of Learning® Community Cohort is July 2025!

Learn, Connect, Grow

Unlock the tools, skills, and community support you need to grow your executive function knowledge and make a lasting impact on student success!

Enrollment is now CLOSED for the community! The next cohort starts July 11, 2025. To get reminders, sign up for Tera's email list.

Who should join the Seeds of Learning® Community?

The Seeds of Learning® Community is for any professional or parent interested in executive function in childhood development and learning. 

Our global network of members includes speech-language pathologists, teachers, occupational therapists, school administrators, psychologists, counselors, reading specialists, executive function coaches, and more, all working together to share strategies and provide support.

Why should I join?

With the Seeds of Learning® Community, members are automatically enrolled in a Cohort where you and other professionals and parents will move through each learning and practice Phase—move at your own pace or follow the schedule of your Cohort!

While you work through each Phase of the Cohort, you’ll have 24/7 access to assessment tools to identify root causes of executive function challenges, intervention strategies to target learning needs that truly matter, and a supportive community of like-minded professionals and parents to inspire and support you, every step of the way. 

You can also join to just watch the Specialty Office Hours, webinar style. 

Enrollment to the Seeds of Learning® Community is an incredibly affordable opportunity for anyone! 

What is included in the Cohort?

Each Phase of the Cohort offers you the perfect combination of learning + practice to make lasting change. You won’t just learn the how—you’ll also get the tools and support to implement! You can complete one Phase or all of them!

  • Phase 1: Root Skills 

    • Introduces Tera's Executive Function Framework, focusing on perception, attention, working memory, and inhibition, and provides actionable assessment and intervention tools you can use immediately.

  • Phase 2: Leaf Skills

    • Build upon the foundation of Root Skills by revisiting key skills and focusing on higher-level executive function, including cognitive flexibility, self-monitoring, self-correction, self-modulation, initiation, time management, and pacing, with practical applications to enhance real-world interventions.

  • Phase 3: Flower Skills

    • Focus is on the highest-level executive function skills, including planning, organization, anticipation, analysis, prioritization, balancing multiple demands, and decision-making, enabling your students to manage complex tasks, navigate competing priorities, and make informed, strategic choices.

As part of the July 2025 Cohort, you can access:

  • Workbook journals for each Phase

  • Executive function assessment and intervention resources including:

    • 45-page Executive Function assessment guide

    • Sample reports that include an executive function write-up section

    • Goal banks for executive function skills

    • Parent/teacher handouts

    • and much more!

  • Office Hours: Weekly live recordings. Like a podcast, but better!

  • The Literacy Network: A bonus community with extensive intervention resources and strategies that addresses literacy development from a cognitive perspective and examines the role of executive function. 

Sounds great! Sign me up!

Enrollment is now CLOSED for the community! The next cohort starts July 11, 2025. To get reminders, sign up for Tera's email list.

The Seeds of Learning® Framework works!



Read more testimonials here!

Who is Tera Sumpter, M.A., CCC-SLP?

Tera is the founder and instructor here in the Seeds of Learning® Community. She is a speech-language pathologist specializing in cognitive processing, in particular executive function and its role in childhood learning. She has written an internationally selling 5-star rated book called The Seeds of Learning, presents nationally and internationally on her cognitive processing model and executive function, and runs a private practice outside of Cleveland, Ohio. Click here to learn more about Tera.

The 7 key steps to set you up for long-term success

From wanting to learn more about how to support executive function development to being able to teach it to others, you will find the necessary steps in the Seeds of Learning® Community!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost? Community membership is $47.99/month or $526.99/year.

Are there group discounts available? Yes! Please check out this page to learn more about group enrollment.

Am I locked into a membership? You can cancel your membership any time to close your membership at the end of a billing cycle. If you join monthly, you can cancel after a month. If you join annually, you can cancel after a year.

Does this count for my ASHA requirements? SLPs: You can earn certificates of completion for each of the 6 modules, for a total of 18 hours. You just have to pass a short quiz for each module, and we'll send you the documentation. You can use those hours as professional development hours (PDHs) to fulfill ASHA requirements. ASHA-approved CEUs are not available. You can learn more about PDHs on ASHA's website

Are there other ways to get credit for my work? Seeds of Learning® has partnered with Ashland University to offer one (1) graduate credit for completing the Roots of Executive Function cohort. The cost is an additional $235 total, and it is available as an optional add-on after you join the community. Learn more about grad credit with this printable PDF.

Is there anything NOT included in the standard membership? Graduate credit is available for an additional $235 total. This is available as an optional add-on after you join the community. Everything else in the community is included with every membership!

I participated in a previous cohort. Can I join this one? Absolutely! We all do better with a little review. Plus, it’s a whole new set of people to learn from.

Can I get a PDF course description for my district/employer? Yes! Follow this link to download a course description PDF.

For information on school-sponsored membership, please contact the Seeds of Learning® team at [email protected].

Have other questions? Email the Seeds of Learning® team any time!

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